Planet of Peace Energy Healing

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Planet of Peace Energy Healing

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7 George Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 2Y5
Our Booking PolicyChoose the perfect time to increase Personally Positive freedom from within ✨️



Helping others to reach their goals using a simple three step method to Recognize what no longer serves, Release blocked energy, Realize your True Potential.

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43 reviews
  • Kyle·

    During my first session she found some issues with my elbow and mentioned it at the end of the session that it needed allot of work. For a few days my elbow had some aches and pains after. Years ago 20+ years I took a slap shot that hit my elbow and I haven’t been able to fully extend it since. About a week after my session I decided to try it out of curiosity and now I can fully extend it on its own. Blown away and extremely happy, but now I have nothing to blame for my terrible golf game. Highly recommend her services!

  • Tina Cosic·

    It has been a few months since my last session with Sheila and doing Body Code Healing. Since then there have been many improvements in my life both physically and energetically. I am so grateful to Sheila for bringing so much love, positive energy and healing into my life. I’d recommend anyone to be open and try Body Code Healing with Sheila! It is absolutely wonderful! Thank you.

  • Ed Appleby·

    I had a body code session with Sheila and it amazed me how it kept pinpointing to an event that happened when I was 18/19 yrs old. The things that came up were exactly what I needed to shift as I was preparing for a big life change. Highly recommend working with her.

  • Kyle·

    Had my first session today and it was an amazing experience, I would highly recommend.

  • Pamela·

    My body code session was a simple, unique and calming experience. Sheila has such a grace about her and delivered the process with great skill, ease and sensitivity . Very amazing process and I felt a bit emotional after as something shifted. Since then I have noticed more confidence to move forward with with the work I love. I recommend giving yourself an opportunity to work with Sheila . 💛

  • Jodi·

    Sheila is a rare soul who I am very grateful to have met. I walked into the session not knowing anything about the Body Code. I found myself intrigued with the process. I walked out with a sense of peace that I haven't had in a very long time. I would recommend Sheila and her services to anyone that is seeking healing.

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